Sunday, 18 September 2011

Andrew, anglais et japonais c’est bien, mais tu vas écrire en français aussi ?

Euh, je crois pas, non.  Enfin, on verra, mais si j’aurai le temps de faire tout ça en une troisième langue, j’aurai le temps de faire autre chose.  En plus, mes amis français savent tous parler anglais – ou sinon, s’ils veulent vraiment savoir ce que j’ai à dire, ils n’ont qu’à me demander, et je leur expliquerai tout.

et en tout cas j'suis pas trop fort en français, j'veux pas avoir l'air con, tu vois

hey yo whatup

See those squiggles down there?  That's Japanese.  The reason for those squiggles is that we have to make a blog as homework for the intensive Japanese course that I'm taking at Nanzan University, Nagoya.  The reason for these squiggles right here is that I know a lot of people, and the kinds of squiggles they can read vary greatly, and some who can't read Japanese squiggles might be interested in the things those squiggles are saying.

Y'ever have a day when thoughts just don't come clearly?

Anyway, at the moment it's about 50/50 whether I continue to squiggle-scribble once my course is over - although being forced to update regularly at the risk of marks lost is probably a pretty good way to instill a good scribble ethic.  If you're wondering about what exactly is scribbled down there, it's a basic self-introduction, a jikoshoukai, of the sort that I've had to do many times in Japan, and will have to do many times again, I'm sure.  It says my name, twice, then it says that I'm doing an exchange from Canberra, which is a boring place when it's not getting 'sploded, but the uni's pretty nice, but everything's nice here too.  Also I guitar.  It finishes by saying that I'm not interesting enough to write more for now.

Well, I hope that's what it says; my Japanese is still in the curvy bit of the learning curve.

Anyway!  That's the deal.  I'd like to leave you with a photo of the head of the university at his last public appearance, but I'm not very good with all these buttons and things.  What's that?  A sideways squiggles button?  That must be because the squiggles are so cool they need to be leaning at all times.  That sounds like me.

Well, I'm not interesting enough to keep scribbling and still have squiggles left for later, so I'll stop right h





僕の生活はそんなに面白くないから、 今度何かいいことを伝えるために今日は終わりにする。
